Dear Diary,
I feel betrayal from my so-called friend Reuel. I feel very betrayed, not that it’s a big issue being a certain race but with you (Reuel) supposed to be my friend, it would be a good thing for you to tell me and not keep it a secret. Being certain race is not something you can really hide from someone because its visual, so why not tell me. Since you will not tell me yourself and I have to find out, i’m going to manipulate you and head to African and look for higher fortune. I know it is wrong, and karma will eventually nip me in the butt, but I’m going to do it anyways. I’m only pretending to protect you so I can have Dianthe. I fear knowing you have African American blood in you because I can now use this as an advantage over you, and I don’t know where being evil will take me.
Dear Diary,
Reuel is an intriguing "friend" of mine. He is rather odd, quiet, and introverted. He is very intelligent in his studies which aspires myself in my own. As a child, I had an interesting relationship with my father. He was also entitled to scientific breakthroughs and it brought a lot of attention to him. We had a maid named Mira, who he experimented on and he entertained our guest with. She became mad after being mesmerized a numerous amount of times and my father sold her after she revealed an astonishing frightful truth. Briggs is also talented in this area, as he brought Dianthe out of her unconscious state. This frightens me, tremendously. I cannot let this happen again. I will act on behalf of my past experience to change the outcome for Dianthe, so she is not like Mira.
Dianthe has a remarkable beauty bestowed among her. I want this for myself, Briggs may have saved her but she has no collective memory of such events. I will fool Briggs by sending him on an expedition that is very dangerous to risk his life. I will also rid Molly during this two-year time span, in order to have Dianthe fall in love with me. I will credit Briggs genius works to my name, since he will only claim himself as an instrument.